The ideal blog post length for SEO is one hotly debated topic on the Internet. There are those who know and those who just write what everyone else is writing. At JOHO Marketing, we write a lot of blog posts for our clients to improve their SEO. So, this is what we have found to be successful for our clients’ SEO.
Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO
First, ideal blog post length for SEO is not even a factor for your website’s SEO. Sure, the blog post needs to be long enough to say something of value and that is going to be a lot longer than just 50 words. Blog post length doesn’t really affect SEO in of itself. But, that being said, it is going to take at least 300 words to dig into a topic.
What is important is the keyword phrase you’re writing around. This you need to choose very carefully and optimize the blog post for that phrase. It needs to be a highly searched phrase by your target market in the city/state/country where you want to do business. That is very important.
Another thing that is vital for your SEO is to write valuable content and write it well. Your blog posts need to give value to your current customers and potential customers. Business is about a lot more than SEO. It is about serving your customers. You want them to return to your website repeatedly, never forget you are ready to do business with them and maybe entertain them a little.
So, an ideal blog post length for SEO should be about 300 words, but only because you need that much to say anything. You can write your guts out and go 5,000 words, if you legitimately have that much to say. It might help to get a good under 1% keyword density for your post which would be ideal. Other than that, the post’s length doesn’t have any effect on SEO. The keyword phrase, its optimization on the post and whether you are writing something valuable for your customers is what matters a lot for SEO. So, focus on what matters.
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