How to create an SEO-friendly blog post is complicated. So, for today’s blog post we’ll tackle how to know what to write about in a blog post. Nearly all business owners think they should write about the products they sell, and surprisingly, that’s isn’t what they should be writing.
SEO-Friendly Blog Post
Knowing what to write about to make your blog post an SEO-friendly blog post seems massively difficult, but it is rather simple really.
What you need is for someone to do keyword research for your company. The researcher will discover the most searched phrases that your target market is typing into the Google search engine search box. Then, all these phrases are narrowed down to a group of phrases that are related to your business and have little competition from your competitors. Don’t worry about how that is done, because that is complicated. You just need that completed list.
That list is called your “Keywords.” You use keyword phrases in all the writing on your website and that includes your blog.
When you or your blog management service starts to write your blog post, the first thing that is done is to choose a phrase from that keyword list. Only one of these phrases is chosen and used in a blog post. That phrase is used as your topic!
You write everything you know about that subject matter and keep writing until you hit at least 300 words. Then you’ll double check your blog post to make sure you used the keyword phrase in your post in all the right spots in the text and title.
Creating SEO-friendly blog posts take some knowhow in order to drive the right traffic to your website. We are here to help. Give Mike a call to talk about the proper way to run a blog to increase your customer base and profits.
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