There are a lot of types of advertising that you can use to bring people into your business. It is important to keep a constant stream of new customers coming in to buy your products and services. You can go old school with running a newspaper or magazine ad or go modern with digital marketing. Of course, the very best method for you might depend on what your business sells. Here are some pros and cons of a couple of methods to help you decide which way to go with your advertising dollar.
Types of Advertising
Here are some old school and new school types of advertising that are used very effectively today in many markets.
Direct Response
Direct response is one of those tried and true types of advertising. You run an ad to offer a free item if they give you their contact information. This is used primarily to generate leads for a salesperson.
Promotional Giveaways
You can have your company logo printed on a small item. Then hand them out for free in order to keep your company name in front of a customer. This is popular especially during holidays and at large gatherings of potential customers.
Coupon Code
The coupon code is a hot item in digital marketing and there are websites dedicated to keeping track of them for consumers. This replaces the printed coupon and they are used in person and also while shopping on websites.
Upping Your Advertising Game
Of course, there are far too many types of advertising to mention in a blog post. If you need to seriously explore how to generate new business for your website or brick and mortar Silicon Valley small business, give Michael at JOHO Marketing a call. Discuss what you’d like to accomplish and he’ll put his marketing expertise to work to generate a lot more sales for your business.
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