Simple marketing ideas for a small business can range from a daily tweet praising your customers to sending funny marketing emails. There are plenty of marketing ideas that are simple and free to implement.

Simple Marketing Ideas for Small Business

When you have a local business and need more customers then you need to get that done without a lot of expense. Here are some simple ideas to try that are very low cost or free.

Yelp Reviews

Print on your receipts a reminder to review your store on Yelp. Good reviews on Yelp are an extremely effective marketing tool. Put a sign on your counter to ask customers to review your store.


Build up a social media following on Twitter and Facebook. Send out different funny ways your product is being used. Your followers will look forward to seeing them every day. You can write up a bunch of them with staff one day in a business meeting, then schedule them to post one per day.

Offer Reward

Offer a reward on Facebook for sharing your coupon with their Facebook friends. Let them know you’ll pick one winner every month and give them a free prize. The prize needs to be big, though, like an iPhone or another popular item. They’ll work pretty hard for that.

Host an Event

Host an event that is related to your business. If you’re a coffee shop, host a free event on how to be the best coffee snob or make the coolest foam design. Free events get people into your business, so it is well worth the time!

Professional Marketing

We hope some of these simple marketing ideas for small businesses help get bring in more new customers for you and build customer loyalty. When you need marketing help, give Mike at Joho Marketing a call.