Do you pour your blood, sweat, and tears into driving traffic to your website, only to have visitors bounce two seconds after landing? This sounds all too frustratingly familiar for most of us online marketers.

But have you tried the following few choice landing page design tweaks to transform that disappointing dropout rate into sky-high sales conversions almost overnight?

Tweak #1: Strong Value Proposition Headline

You have mere seconds to convey why your offer beats the bazillion other options out there. Craft an ultra-specific headline that sums up your key value prop and makes it irresistible. Like this: “Finally, Learn Piano in Just 10 Minutes a Day With Our Self-Guided Video Course”

Tweak #2: Highlight Benefits Over Features

Don’t just list generic features that could apply to any product. Call out the exact benefits and outcomes your prospect craves.

Do you help them save 4 hours a week? Fit into their skinny jeans? Get promoted faster? Flaunt those desirable benefits!

Tweak #3: Include Social Proof

Peer pressure works, even online! Sprinkle in testimonials, celebrity endorsements, logos of big brands you service, and any other social proof that lends you credibility.

Tweak #4: Lead Magnets

Entice visitors to exchange their email addresses for something ultra valuable like a special report, exclusive video training, or discounted first purchase. The lead magnet gets them hooked while allowing you to market to them later.

Tweak #5: Minimal Distractions

Every design element should have a purpose that moves users along the conversion path. Ruthlessly eliminate anything extraneous like sidebars, excessive navigation tabs, and hyperlinks mid-page.

The devil of course is in the details, but these principles will point you on the right conversion optimization path. To dig deeper into specifically applying these techniques for your business, just click that Contact Us button below. I’m happy to offer free personal advice to get your pages converting at record rates!