Promotions are a dime a dozen, but only some promotions are very effective in converting the potential customer into a sold customer. If you feel that you’ve tried everything and nothing works then you probably need to step back and look at this from a different perspective.
A great promotion gives the current customer or potential customer the feeling that they are truly appreciated and that you are going that extra mile for them. You can do this in little ways, but be consistent. Don’t try a promotion one time and see if it worked, try it for a couple of years.
Very successful companies like know how to market to their customer base. They have their customers buying far more than they intended when they shop, and also have them raving about the company to all their friends and Internet buddies. They have little, personal promotions that are extremely effective. You might want to sign up on their website and place a small order just to expose yourself to the marketing experience.
What Works
Sephora is so successful because of its marketing online, and of course, they offer popular and high end products at great prices. When the customer is shopping on their website they are shown that if they hit $25 they’ll get some free samples to choose from. Then if they hit the $50 mark they’ll get the shipping for free, and on it goes.
Once the order is pumped up, the customer is educated about their special “clubs” they can “unlock” like Beauty Insider, VIB, and VIB Rouge. Of course, you want to be included in the special groups! Just spend a little more and get your ongoing total purchases up.
The emails have beautiful graphics and there are always loads of little samples to choose from. The promotions are exhausting. However, they are done in such a way that the customer feels very special and beautiful. Customers always look forward to the next marketing email to see what awesome product Sephora is going to offer to them next. They have an incredibly loyal customer base that is more like a rock star’s fan base than make-up buyers.
Getting Your Marketing Plan Going
If you need fresh promotions ideas then give Mike a call at JOHO Marketing. He’ll work with you to set up some brilliant promotions that will turn your customers and potential customers into rock star fan loyal customers.
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