Having the most successful marketing campaigns will usually involve building an email list of potential prospects in your target market. And one of the best ways to build this list from cold prospects is to advertise on Facebook.

Most Successful Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing, whether it is a monthly newsletter or a series of drip campaigns, needs some fresh blood added to it continually. Finding cold leads these days is a real difficult task with all the spam laws and privacy agreements. So, what do you do?

Well, don’t waste your money running magazine and newspaper advertisements. There are a lot of reasons that is a poor choice – unless your market is wilderness survivalists, you should stick with Internet based efforts. Facebook still rules the Internet when it comes to reaching your targeted demographic.

The first thing you need to do is figure out who the person is exactly that you want to sign up to your mailing list.


  • Where do they live?
  • What is their income group?
  • What is their age group?
  • Are they homeowners?
  • Do they have pets?

Think of every detail about the customer your service or product will appeal to. The reason you need this information is that Facebook will let those exact people see your ads and won’t show it to people who don’t fall into your criteria group. Amazing isn’t it? We have come a very long way from the newspaper advertisements.

You will run an ad that will get them to click like for your company’s Facebook Page or have them click to a mailing list sign up on your website. If they sign up for the Facebook page, then you can ask them to sign up for the mailing list. Then you will also continually market to them directly on your Facebook page.

To get more information about building your mailing list, contact Mike at JOHO Marketing. He can explain this affordable method of gaining new potential customers for your mailing list. Then you can start your most successful marketing campaigns ever!