By hiring an Internet advertising company, you can tap into all those sales that other companies are getting from the millions of Facebook users. Of course, advertising companies that specialize in marketing for you on the Internet cover a lot more than just Facebook. And it is all good.

Internet Advertising Company

Never have businesses been able to do so much and attract so much business with so little. The digital boom is the best thing that ever happened to business, as any older small business owner will tell you.

There are numerous ways to advertise on the Internet to attract new customers to your business and to build brand loyalty with your current happy customers.

  • Search Engine Pay per Click
  • Facebook Direct Ads and Indirect Ads
  • Get Recommended by Blogger Reviewers
  • Advertise on Popular Blogs
  • Ads on Twitter and Instagram
  • Register with Affiliate Marketers (free)
  • Google Maps
  • Email Marketing to Your Mailing List
  • Encourage Customers to Post Reviews on Yelp (free)


The most popular place to advertise is on Facebook. This is the place you’ll get the most bang for your buck.

Facebook offers a variety of ways to advertise. Some are direct, such as running a small advertisement on the side of the page with a picture. There isn’t much room, but done usually to get “likes” for your Facebook page. Once your Facebook page has a lot of followers (those who “liked”) then you can market to them all day long for free.

Other ways to advertise on Facebook include “boosting” a Facebook page post. If you see something you wrote on your Facebook page has been popular then it might be worth it to pay Facebook to show it to thousands of people who have not yet liked your page. With this advertising you can write quite a bit and have a nice, big image to go with it.

There are other ways to advertise on Facebook, too. Call Mike at JOHO Marketing, an Internet Advertising Company, and ask him about all of these different ways to bring in new customers by advertising on the Internet.