Personalization is the latest trend for more targeted messaging. Digital marketers are now on the lookout for more personalization opportunities in the race for market leadership.

And since personalization relies on big data, there are privacy concerns involved. So, what do you do? You strike the right balance between respecting the privacy of the consumer and personalization.

But how do digital marketers strike the right balance?

Here are a few helpful tips.

  1. Be transparent: be open with your customers about what data you’re collecting and why. Don’t make your customer’s personal information collection a surprise. They won’t like it!
  2. Control: let your customers know that they can delete the data collected or opt out whenever they want. Customers can easily trust your brand when they know they have control over the information they share with you.
  3. Use data wisely: any data collected should be used specifically for the purpose mentioned when seeking permission. It isn’t necessary you use all the data you access.
  4. Make sure there are mutual benefits: your personalization should be valuable to the consumer as well. You don’t want to use your client’s name on an email subject line or product recommendation and come out as weird and invasive.
  5. Alternative technologies: some websites may have cookies-based personalization tools. These allow customization without necessarily having to collect data. Other options can include machine learning algorithms that leverage machine learning through analysis of user behavior.

Putting the consumer first is the key to the balancing between privacy and personalization. Respect your customer’s privacy and afford them more control and transparency in matters dealing with personal information.

Contact us at Joho marketing for more information about personalization and privacy, and how you can use these for the benefits of the business.