Hiring through social media should be considerably more common than simply using LinkedIn. In fact, if you’re not thinking about all of your social media outlets as potential candidate pools, you’re potentially losing out on some great hiring. It could be a fantastic match if their skills meet your demands and they already like what your firm is doing enough to follow you.
Smart social recruiting isn’t about blasting your job openings over all of your social media channels until filled. Instead, think about where you might discover your perfect applicant for any given function and be as specific as possible.
Strategies You Can Imbibe
You should do more than post a job vacancy on social media and hope for the best if you want to get the most out of it. To keep candidates who are the right fit enthused about working for you, get creative with content that showcases what it’s like to work at your company, such as behind-the-scenes videos or interviews with current workers.
Because social media has taught us to anticipate a flawless and simple user experience, candidates who find your job openings on these platforms would expect the same from you. These prospects will quit if you make it difficult for them to learn more about the work. By creating a seamless experience, your followers will be able to easily share these jobs with their networks, broadening your reach.
Finally, keep in mind that social media is, at its essence, a medium for developing relationships. Even your social media platforms can’t help you rapidly identify the appropriate candidate for a job. Continue to provide information about your culture and mission, interact with new people, and stay top-of-mind, so you can establish a network of fans that not only love your products or services but adore your business. Our social media services at Joho Marketing will produce outstanding results that will propel your company to the next level. Contact us today, and you will be glad you did.
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