Almost all service businesses maintain a social media presence at all times, roughly 88% invest in this method of marketing. If your company is open and trying to safely conduct business, social media marketing and remote services is certainly one way that is effective for most companies. But what about other ways to stir up some paying customers?
Email marketing is also a method that is an extremely profitable marketing method and used by about 54% of small businesses. Studies by CRM companies have been conducted and they’ve released numbers on the return on investment for this method. And they are amazing. For every $100 spent on email marketing, it can return $3000 to $4400 in sales, depending on which service did the study. Either way, that is a very attractive marketing method that is cheap and easy to implement, much like social media marketing.
With businesses like restaurants or automotive companies, both social media marketing and email marketing work well, too. It isn’t just the office types that see successes with these marketing methods of the digital age.
Sometimes thinking outside the box is required to present something very tempting to your customers. Offering a popular item as a giveaway that new customers can receive if they order a particular service works well. For some, it’s a free book, a free entrance to an event everyone wants to attend, a 1 on 1 meeting with a celebrity, a dozen cupcakes from a popular bakery, etc. It needs to be something many people would want very much and not the typical business-branded promotional item like key chains or calendars.
All that being said, the way to get the very most for your money is go digital with your marketing. It’s inexpensive, highly effective, even in the pandemic, and gives an enormous return on your investment.
Contact Mike at JOHO Marketing for more ideas that will give you a huge return on the money for your business. Every company has its own unique needs, so Mike can shed some light on what works well in the Silicon Valley for a company like yours.
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