Local online marketing is when you use the Internet to pull customers into your brick and mortar business. Typically, when business owners think of the Internet, they think of the entire world out there. They wonder why they should be marketing to the whole world when they only want business from the city that they are in. Your local potential customers are on the Internet looking for a business like yours and you need to target only them.
Local Online Marketing
There are ways to do local online marketing and forget about the rest of the world. For instance, when you set up your website, you will go to the webmaster tools website and click the box that tells Google that you want to target only the USA. Now you’re targeting only the USA.
Next, you should stop by Google for Businesses. It is here where you give more in depth information about your business like your street address, business hours, telephone numbers and the type of business that you are. This is all free. You get your correct information put out in Internet searches and Google has the pleasure of giving out correct information on your business. It is a win-win situation.
Another huge factor in local online marketing is having a good website. It needs to be a responsive website (changes its shape to look nice on different sized screens), be mobile friendly, have an attractive, modern design and it needs to be giving out the correct information. Google will scan your website and remember all of your information, so that they will send you the appropriate local customers.
Get Some Local Marketing Help
You are not expected to learn all of this local online marketing stuff. You only need to have a general understanding of it. You can hire a professional digital marketing company to actual do this marketing for you. Michael at JOHO Marketing is an expert in all forms of digital marketing, including bringing your company local business. Give him a call today.
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