Wouldn’t it be great if the next time you ran an ad you received 10x more responses than you usually do? Oh, Yeah! You’d be delighted. It’s like finding $1000s in your mailbox with no strings attached.

Advertise Smarter

Running ads gets expensive quickly. Part of the reason is that so few people run banner ads on websites or full page display ads in newspapers anymore. And that drives up the costs of those ads. There’s a certain amount of ad revenue that publication needs every month and when those ad buys have slowed way down, they’re going to need more cash per ad.

But the bigger reason is that now it’s possible to target your potential customer. You can do this with digital advertising.

When Joho Marketing runs an ad for you on social media platforms or in the search engines, we select the demographic of your ideal customer, their hobbies, profession, the zip code where they live or other criteria. So, you are paying for that ad to be shown only to your dream customers.

With fixed banner ads on a website (or buying ad space in a magazine or newspaper) everyone sees that ad. And you’re paying for all those eyes on your ad, most of whom would never buy your product or service.

Pay Less and Get More

By running digital ads and properly configuring the demographics for your typical customer, your ad will show fewer times. But every time it does get shown it really counts. It is showing to people who typically buy something like what you’re selling.

That’s sounds perfect, right? Right! It is perfect.

The Bonus Round

Now for the big bonus! And that is: Instant Results.
The digital ad is configured and it starts to run instantly. Or you can schedule it to run at a specific high traffic time for your type of customer.
When that ad snags a buyer, they contact you right then or shop on your website immediately.

It is instant money. What could be better?